Is College Worth It?

Is College Worth It? That depends on the individual Student and what their Career Goals are. There are some that think College is a waste of time and money. And with Tuition going up, most don’t want to create the imploding Debts and how it would impact them financially. Plus it’s taking some decades to repay.

The question of is college is worth it is a complex and touchy subject to many, and it depends on various factors and individual circumstances. While college education offers numerous benefits, such as increased job prospects, higher earning potential, and personal growth, you also have to consider the costs and alternatives.

Attending college provides individuals with valuable knowledge and skills that can enhance their career opportunities. Many professions require a college degree as a minimum qualification, and graduates often have access to a wider range of job options. Additionally, college graduates tend to earn higher salaries over their lifetime compared to those without a degree.

Here are some Pro’s and Con’s of Attending College…


  1. Higher earning potential
  2. Increased job opportunities
  3. Personal growth and development
  4. Networking opportunities
  5. Specialized knowledge and skills


  1. High tuition costs
  2. Student loan debt
  3. Time commitment
  4. Not all careers require a college degree
  5. Lack of practical work experience

All right… So let’s review the following…

Approximately 45 percent of students “hadn’t demonstrated any significant improvements in their learning” during their first two years of college. And approximately 40 percent didn’t learn anything at all during their four years of college.

And as Tucker Put it: “CLEARLY College is not making Students Smarter”.

He literally hit the nail on the head on this “With Many Students Never Really Studying, 35 percent reported that they spent less than 5 hours a week in study time”. That’s a joke! And it’s all part of something terribly wrong. Be sure to check out the future of education here.


Also, adding that 2.67 hours a day is all that is reported. Spending at least twice that time eating, shopping partying. You’re hearing it, and it’s not a good thing. With a consistent increase in Adult illiteracy. Most College Grads are falling below average in Cognitive Tasks. (Such as Simply calculating the costs of foods in a Grocery Store).

Many College Grads in the US are testing at/or below High School Students in several other Countries. In Addition: Top Universities are declining in their Academic Rigor. And College Classes are getting flimsier. But yet College GPA averages are over 3.0. Yet, Grade Inflation are Highest at Private Schools. And, yet more Students are Failing, Yet, nobody fails.

While the benefits of attending college are substantial, there are also challenges and drawbacks to consider. One of the most significant concerns for many students is the high cost of tuition. College tuition has been steadily rising, outpacing inflation and putting a strain on students and their families. The burden of student loan debt is another major drawback, with many graduates facing years of repayment after completing their education. This financial strain can limit opportunities, delay major life milestones like homeownership or even starting a family.

Tucker also adds: That Billions in Tax Payer dollars are being sent to these Institutions??? WHAT IF: this were a Private Business there would be Fraud Indictments!!! And he’s Right. 

So what’s he right about? That those problems are massive. Tucker Carlson’s comment raises valid concerns about transparency and accountability. The fact that public funds are being directed towards various institutions without clear oversight or accountability practices in place is indeed a cause for alarm. Carlson’s comparison to the potential legal repercussions faced by private businesses in similar situations highlights the double standard that may exist when it comes to the management of public funds. The lack of stringent consequences for mismanagement or misuse of taxpayer dollars in certain institutions raises questions about the effectiveness of current oversight measures..

So What’s the Answer… Possibly A New Path? May be just what your looking for!

How much does it Cost? Well, you can get going for as little as $97.

Does that sound to go to be true? When you compare it to College and the scam that’s proven to be for Millions of Americans.

It gets even better… you’ll get a full 60 DAYS or your $97 back!!


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