Self-Help and Self-Education

Self-Help and Self-Education is here to help guide you with this category. We’re finding some Amazing things for self-Education. This is something you will want to check into for sure. For yourself and for others. We will also share more Amazing finds here. You will want to be sure to check them out, and you can share this with all your friends and family. In addition, We are also sharing this with Families around the Globe.


EMF Protection: Holistic Wellness Specialists have studied overall health On Clients for years. Many have tired different Treatments with No Success. But with the help of our Bio-hacking Scientists they have learned from research studies that with these EMF Protection Devices they are helping to Protect our bodies from Rogue EMF’s. With all the Electronics we use on a daily basis the EMF’s are harmful to our Health. These pendants help to keep our bodies Protected with earth-grounding-frequencies. Find out more about EMF’s Here:

Is College Worth It? College is a Huge Commitment. And for some it may or may not be worth it. It really depends on each Individual person. College is proving more and more to be a Waste of Time and Money. And with Self-Help and Self-Education it’s led to more success than so called “Higher Education”. Find out more Facts as well as a SOLUTION to College for yourself and your Kids Here.

With Self-Help and Self-Education we’ll be adding additional self help and more guidance to this Category. And through self-help and learning the most from it, often, it helps to have a solid direction. There are a couple of interesting things here to check out. In addition to that we’re also going to share this book: Marketing Is Freedom filled with additional key points in this area. And maybe your searching for something special. Either way, we hope you found it here. So Enjoy.