Lose Weight For a Healthier You

At some point we all want to Lose Weight, right. Some days it’s just harder than others. It’s always hard starting the process of the diet plan. Whether its after having a baby, maybe help with Pain Management, or just tired of being overweight. What ever the reason is we all think about losing weight.


Being overweight is just the beginning for many of the health risks most of us face now a days. One of them being Type 2 Diabetes which can lead to several other factors like High Blood Pressure and Strokes. Or for instance, Kidney Disease, Fatty Liver Disease and even certain Cancers. Furthermore, it can also bring on Sleep Apnea and also Mental Health issues such as anxiety and depression.

Better Gut Health

For someone who has never struggled to Lose Weight in the past. I surely can’t say that anymore. After I became a Mom things started to change. Working all day and coming home to make dinner every night sometimes turned out to be fast food nights. And then bringing the kids to Soccer practice or Volleyball practice I would be exhausted by the time we got home and trying to exercise was overwhelming. Then menopause, that didn’t help either. Over time my gut started to bother me. After talking with my doctor about this I was recommended a pill that I took for about 3 years. I hate taking pills of any kind.

Then through blogging I came across this product that was a gel/syrup type probiotic. So I thought I would give it a try. Wow, is all I can say! The flavor is Strawberry, and it tastes absolutely amazing. I know the importance of getting my gut health back on track, but it doesn’t just happen overnight. I can say now that I don’t take any pills anymore because of the product I found and now use daily. What I really like about this product called “Byom” is that besides the awesome taste it is Non GMO, Gluten Free, Vegan, Keto Friendly and Dairy Free. And it tastes great!!

Above all I have been taking this product for a few months now and my gut is back to the way it should be. I have changed the way I eat, so finding this Product has helped me tremendously and to top it off I’m not taking pills anymore. If you’re suffering the same way I’ve suffered, maybe you will want to give it a try. What do you have to lose?

Physical Fitness to Keep you Balanced and Lose Weight

Any type of Physical Fitness will help to maintain balance can help to improve one’s muscle strength and coordination. It can also boost mental health, stabilize blood sugar level. As well as increase flexibility and better posture. With continued exercise it will help in maintaining stability and prevent you from falling. Additionally, it helps improve heart health guiding you to having better circulation and oxygenation of tissues. Which will help reduce stress and anxiety contributing to a balanced and better state of mind.

Exercise to help Pain Management

With daily exercise your strengthening muscle which helps maintaining flexibility and increases endorphins which is a natural painkiller. In additions to aid in several other ways. Such as, Improving Sleep, Boost your immune function, Enhances pain tolerance, Mood and overall weight management. Exercise and also be a crucial part of any rehabilitation from injury recovery by helping to restore any long term pain.

Additional Health and Weight Loss Finds

Truth be told, I had no idea what Bio-Hacking was. I just thought it had something to do with espionage and government issues. But now I know it can be for many other things in the world. Finding these New Products have transformed my life for the better. Knowing that I can stop using them at anytime with no side effects is truly amazing. I also started taking additional products from the same company and I love who I am now because of them.

Weight Loss

I’ve struggled sleeping at night. I had tried all the nighttime over the counter products, but they never really did the trick. However, knowing how my gut was feeling I decided to give some of the other bio-hacking products a try. I started with Zlem. After a couple of weeks I started sleeping through the night. I also started using plôs® THERMO every morning instead of the coffee creamer I was using. As a result, I lost 20 pound in 1 1/2 months.

Lastly, Finding these bio-hacking products have been a blessing for me and my family. Not only am I feeling better inside I’m also feeling better overall. And to me that is priceless!!

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